Humidor Next Door offers a diverse range of fine cigars and cigar acessories at affordable prices. We pride ourself on providing high quality products and offer a quality guarantee on all items.
We want to carry what our customers want, so if you have any sugestions, please Contact us and let us know. Our staff is looking forward to speaking with you.
We currently carry cigars from the following brands:
We also carry a selection of cigar accessories, apparel, and glassware .
Humidor Next Door
Kohl's Plaza
220 Route 12
Groton, CT 06340
Phone: 860 445-1044
We are now stocking Nub Cafe Cigars! These delicious flavor infused cigars are available in Macchiato and Cappuccino!
Just in store are Lochem Cigars!! Lochem Cigars is a Waterford Ct based cigar importer who only imports the finest in hand rolled cigars!! They are getting rave review around New London County! Stop in and pick one up! Support a local business!